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Staying Sane

Ok, ok, ok. It’s the middle of August, and I am wayyyyy behind on getting out a blog post. My goal was to do this monthly, not quarterly. UGHHH.

I have been distracted and disorganized, and here’s why: DOGS! Specifically, the cute guy above.

Bentley had surgery last month for a torn ACL. I don’t know why, but to me, this is an athlete’s injury, which is ironic, because Bentley boy is NOT an athletic fella. We have another dog, Toots E. Roll, and she has been very confused why she can’t play with Bentley. Why he has to wear a lamp shade. Why he can’t go for a walk in the morning.

I am also confused. My husband and I have a morning routine that has been severely disrupted by the fact that Bentley hasn’t been able to go for a walk. Neither of us anticipated this disruption, and it has taken us too long for us to realize that our sense of order and consistency has been messed up!


Apparently, we are people of order, routine, consistency, and pattern (hopefully you see it when you get booked for an appointment and when you receive your treatment. We have a way of doing things). It’s taken me this whole month to realize that I like schedules.

Which makes no sense, because this whole COVID thing has completely and utterly messed up my sense of order. So maybe I was already a bit messed up, but not with this whole morning routine getting messed up, I'm REALLY REALLY messed me up!!??!!

Although Bentley has gotten his stitches out, he still can’t walk more past more than a few houses before he has to be carried home. I thought he was milking this whole injury thing, but the vet assured us that he had major surgery and needs major recovery time.


I NEED TO FOCUS!!! But how? How to find order and balance in the middle of the chaos?

Self-care is something I think I am good at. When life is easy, I'm very good at taking care of me me me. I've realized that when life gets out of whack is when the self-care books and online tips are most helpful.

One important step I've taken to help me find my bliss is to calm the heck down and realize I am not in control. What??? Yes, it's true. None of us are. We are not in control of how quickly a dog heals, how long we'll have to wear these stupid masks, or how hot it's going to be outside today.

I'm free to give myself permission to relax. To watch too much tv. To spend too much time sitting in the shade, watching the birds at the bird feeder.

And I do these things whenever I feel like it. I don't feel guilty. I don't feel like "I should" be doing something different. I'm living in the moment.

Ah ha!! That's my secret!!! LIVE IN THE MOMENT. Right now. Right here. Calm down. Breathe. Smile. Giggle. Close my eyes. Breathe deeper. Smile wider. Giggle louder.

Peace enters my heart and mind.

And I'll leave it at that.


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