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Do laser treatments hurt?

It depends on the type and location of treatment you’re getting. Most clients think it feels like a rubber band snap. With an attached cooling system to our laser, the pain is minimal

Is there any downtime after being treated with lasers?

There is little to no downtime with most of our laser treatments and most people are able to return to their everyday activities.
After all laser treatments, we just ask you to avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds and tanning creams and to apply 30+ spf
sunscreen daily.We also may recommend avoiding heat, saunas, and exercise for 24-48 hours post treatment.
Other laser treatment specific post-care instructions will be provided to you at your appointment

If I’ve been out in the sun, use a tanning bed, or use sunless tanning products, can I be treated with a laser?

Because the lasers can also absorb melanin/pigment, we advise that clients avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and sunless tanning products for at least 10-14 days prior to treatment.

How many treatments are required?

The number of treatments required is dependent on several factors. First, what is the indication being treated? Hair requires more treatments than vascular lesions and what body area being treated for hair will also play a factor in number of treatments. Also, every client responds differently therefore Jane Doe may need more treatments than Jill or John Doe.

How long should medications and topicals be avoided prior to and after laser treatments?

It depends on the medication and the topical being used by the client. Clients should be off of Accutane for at least 6 months prior to laser treatments. Other medications should be reviewed, and a test spot be performed if there is any concern of an adverse reaction. Retinoids should also be stopped at least 7 days prior to laser treatment.

Can the laser light flashing trigger migraines or seizures?

Yes, sometimes light sensitivity can stimulate these conditions and having laser treatments are not recommended if you have these conditions.

Is there a limit of the total amount of treatments a client can receive for particular indication?

There is no limit to the number of treatments you can receive. They must understand that there will be a limit on their improvement, and this should be discussed during the consultation.

What should be applied to the skin post treatment?

There are many different things that can be applied to the skin after a laser treatment. Most common are aloe vera, cold compresses, and most importantly a 30+ spf sun block.

When performing hair reduction treatments, why does it sometimes seem like a client’s hair is growing thicker for several weeks after the treatment?

​Some clients may experience a phenomenon where all present hair follicles will become “in phase” and grow at the same time.

How much hair will remain after completing a series of treatment? In other words, is there a guarantee?

Unfortunately, there are no guarantees in laser hair reduction. There are clinical studies showing improvement of up to 70-80% but every client will respond with a different amount of efficacy. Results will vary from client to client.

What are the potential side effects from using the laser?

There may be temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, itching and skin sensitivity. These usually resolve within a few hours but can last up to 1-3 days. They can be treated with aloe vera or cold compresses.
In rare cases, less common side effects can occur such as burns, blisters, and hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation.

Can clients who are taking antibiotics have laser treatments performed on them?

Antibiotics may increase photosensitivity. We recommend that you check with your personal physician prior to receiving laser treatments if you are taking a long-term antibiotic. If you become ill and begin taking an antibiotic, you will need to be off the medication for 7 days before laser treatment.

What is the post treatment protocol for leg veins? Can I exercise? Can I drink alcohol? Etc?

In order to optimize leg vein treatments certain activities should be avoided:

  • Abstain from running, jogging, lifting weights for approximately 5 days.

  • Abstain from baths, hot tubs, saunas, long showers, or any activity which will make you sweat.

  • If your physician has recommended use of compression stockings, please follow their instructions for use.

  • Because alcohol can cause vasodilation, abstaining from alcohol is recommended for approximately 5 days.

  • Also to be considered are medications or herbal supplements such as ibuprofen, aspirin, vitamin E and fish oils that can cause bruising and should be stopped prior to and after vein treatments

Can clients that are pregnant be treated with lasers?

We do not treat pregnant women with lasers.

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